A whole new meaning to personal space.
On an average day my kids have no idea what’s socially acceptable when it comes to personal space. When I attempt a shower… there they are, coming into the bathroom. Or sneaking a snack from the fridge..they pop up like silent ninjas So this whole isolation thing has been interesting 🤪 I’ve been scouring the interwebs for fun things to do in confined spaces that won’t end in sibling arguments or injury.
Here are my top 3:
1 – Put on a kid-friendly youtube series like @Funneh
2- Bring out the LEGO collection. Get creative, we’ve been watching these youtube tutorials and we’ve balling at building random structures
3 – Family hide & seek outdoors. Our yard is fairly large and our neighbor is my sister so we have both yards to hide in. Each game could be at least 15 minutes before we are all found.
What fun have you been creating?