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Welcome to the Marketing 101 for Small Business Owners Podcast, your go-to source for business strategy and marketing insights specifically designed for female entrepreneurs. This women-led podcast delivers a double dose of value each week. On Wednesdays, get ready for actionable advice on marketing, content strategy, business planning, and goal setting. Plus, don't miss our Friday "Moco Business Buzz" episodes, where we spotlight inspiring female entrepreneurs, celebrate their successes, and dive into the real-life challenges they navigate.

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Episode 137: Beat the Summer Slump with some Client-Focused Strategies

Episode 137: Beat the Summer Slump with some Client-Focused Strategies

In this episode of the Empower Her Business Accelerator podcast, host Philippa Channer discusses strategies for overcoming the summer slowdown in business. She acknowledges the challenges female entrepreneurs face during this period, such as client vacations and decision fatigue. Philippa emphasizes adopting a solution-focused mindset, using the slowdown for strategic reflection and goal-setting. She suggests offering smaller, targeted services like strategy sessions and workshops to address summer-specific pain points. Additionally, she advises revamping marketing and streamlining business systems. Philippa invites listeners to explore the Empower Her program for ongoing support and announces a Q&A session for the next episode.

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Episode 136: Become the Guide, Not the Hero: Client-Powered Transformations

Episode 136: Become the Guide, Not the Hero: Client-Powered Transformations

In this episode of the Empower Her Business Accelerator podcast, host Philippa Channer discusses the importance of shifting from a hero to a guide in the client’s journey. She explains the drawbacks of a savior mindset, such as client dependency and burnout, and advocates for a guide mindset to empower clients. Philippa shares personal anecdotes and provides language examples to reflect this shift. She emphasizes the role of a guide in offering strategies and support while allowing clients to achieve their own success. Philippa also hints at discussing how to incorporate this guide mindset into marketing in the next episode.

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Episode 135 The Secret to Irresistible Offers: Solve Their Biggest Problems

Episode 135: The Secret to Irresistible Offers: Solve Their Biggest Problems

In this episode of the Empower Her Business Accelerator podcast, host Philippa Channer recaps the previous episode on identifying ideal clients’ pain points and stresses the importance of positioning oneself as the ultimate solution. She encourages new listeners to subscribe and explore the Empower Her program, which focuses on developing a strategic CEO mindset. The main topic is client-centric marketing, emphasizing the need to highlight outcomes and benefits rather than technical details. Philippa provides practical examples and exercises for transforming feature-focused messaging into benefit-driven statements. She concludes by inviting listeners to book a free discovery call and teases the next episode on showcasing unique value.

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Episode 134: Inside Your Client's Mind: The Problems They Wrestle With

Episode 134: Inside Your Client’s Mind: The Problems They Wrestle With

In this episode of the Empower Her Business Accelerator podcast, host Philippa Channer delves into the significance of understanding clients’ pain points to craft compelling marketing messages. She highlights common struggles faced by female entrepreneurs, such as niche clarity, brand messaging, and tech overwhelm. Philippa shares a personal success story of using AI tools to help a client. She advises on identifying pain points through client feedback, competitor analysis, and social media monitoring. Philippa concludes by inviting listeners to book a free discovery call to explore the Empower program for tailored business solutions.

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Episode 133: Your Ideal Client & Buyer Persona Questions Answered!

Episode 133: Your Ideal Client & Buyer Persona Questions Answered!

In this episode of the Empower Business Accelerator podcast, host Philippa Channer delves into the intricacies of identifying ideal clients and crafting effective buyer personas. She shares her expertise on niching down, refining client definitions, and gathering crucial psychographic and demographic data. Philippa underscores the importance of targeted marketing, especially for solopreneurs, and offers practical advice on utilizing buyer personas to enhance marketing strategies. She also introduces the Empower Her program and provides a digital buyer persona template from HubSpot. Listeners are encouraged to subscribe, refine their buyer personas, and explore a free consultation to see if the Empower program suits their needs.

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Episode 132: Craft a Buyer Persona, Attract Dream Clients

Episode 132: Craft a Buyer Persona, Attract Dream Clients

In this episode of the Empower Her Business Accelerator podcast, host Philippa Channer explores the essential components of a buyer persona. She underscores the importance of understanding both the demographics and psychographics of an ideal client to create effective marketing strategies. Philippa introduces Sara, a 32-year-old freelance web designer, as an example, detailing her values, goals, and pain points. She also discusses where Sara spends her time online to inform targeted content creation. Philippa offers a fillable PDF workbook to help listeners develop their own buyer personas and invites them to a Q&A session and a free discovery call for further guidance.

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Episode 131: Attract Your Dream Clients Like Magic - Demystifying Buyer Personas

Episode 131: Attract Your Dream Clients Like Magic – Demystifying Buyer Personas

In this episode of the Empower Her Business Accelerator podcast, host Philippa Channer discusses the critical role of buyer personas in marketing. She explains that buyer personas are detailed profiles that help businesses connect with their ideal clients on a deeper level by understanding their personality, habits, and preferences. Philippa uses a real-life example to illustrate the importance of creating multiple buyer personas for a single product. She also previews the next episode, where she will offer a step-by-step guide to building effective buyer personas. Listeners are encouraged to explore the Empower Her program and book a free discovery call.

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Episode 130: Stop Attracting the WRONG Clients: The Ideal Client Deep Dive

Episode 130: Stop Attracting the WRONG Clients: The Ideal Client Deep Dive

In this episode of the Empower Business Accelerator podcast, host Philippa Channer introduces the rebranded show and delves into the critical topic of identifying and understanding the ideal client for business growth. She underscores the necessity of targeting the right audience to ensure marketing efforts resonate and attract genuinely interested clients. Philippa introduces the Empowerment Program, a comprehensive guide to transforming into a successful CEO, which includes defining the ideal client, crafting a compelling brand message, and more. She encourages listeners to deeply understand their client’s world and offers a free discovery call for those interested in the Empower Program. Stay tuned for the next episode on creating a detailed ideal client profile.

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Episode 129: Building a Business on Faith: Aligning Your Values and Your Work

Episode 129: Building a Business on Faith: Aligning Your Values and Your Work

In this insightful episode of the “Marketing 101 for Small Business Owners” podcast, host Philippa Channer delves into the intersection of personal faith and business values. She offers listeners practical advice on how to infuse their spiritual beliefs into their business practices, ensuring that their company not only thrives commercially but also aligns with their moral compass. This episode is a must-listen for entrepreneurs seeking to create a business that truly represents their convictions.

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Episode 128: Build Your Business on Autopilot: Email Marketing Nurturing Sequences

Episode 128: Build Your Business on Autopilot: Email Marketing Nurturing Sequences

In the latest episode of the Marketing 101 for Small Business Owners podcast, now rebranded as the Empower Her Business Accelerate Show, host Philippa Channer highlights the significance of email marketing and nurturing sequences for small business owners. She passionately discusses how these tools can help attract and retain ideal clients, and introduces the Empower Her Power Session workshop for female entrepreneurs. Philippa breaks down the structure of nurturing sequences, differentiates them from newsletters, and offers practical advice on setting up email marketing systems with a personal touch. She wraps up by teasing the next episode’s focus on integrating faith into business practices.

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Episode 127: Level Up Your Client Experience: CRMs and Customer Journey Mapping

Episode 127: Level Up Your Client Experience: CRMs and Customer Journey Mapping

In the latest episode of the Marketing 101 for Small Business Owners podcast, host Philippa Channer explores the transformative role of technology in client relations and business efficiency. She introduces CRM and customer journey mapping as key tools for small businesses to enhance customer experiences and streamline operations. Philippa also announces the podcast’s rebranding to “Empower Business Accelerator Show” and promotes the “Empower Her Power Session” workshop for female entrepreneurs. She breaks down the five stages of the customer journey and advocates for the integration of CRM with journey mapping to gain deeper insights and improve customer interactions.

Additionally, Philippa shares practical tools for implementing these strategies and offers a free consultation for personalized guidance.

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Episode 126: From One-Time Customers to Raving Fans: Building Loyalty That Lasts

Episode 126: From One-Time Customers to Raving Fans: Building Loyalty That Lasts

In the latest episode of the Marketing 101 for Small Business Owners podcast, host Philippa Channer unveils the show’s new name, “Empower Her Business Accelerator Show,” and invites listeners to engage with the upcoming “Empower Her Power Session” workshop. Philippa shares invaluable tips on enhancing customer loyalty, suggesting personalized gestures, community building, and the importance of feedback to exceed expectations and create lasting client relationships. She also touches on the benefits of personalization in marketing efforts. The episode wraps up with a call to action for the next episode on customer relationship management and an offer for a free consultation to elevate business client experiences.

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Speaking Engagements


Digital Marketing For Faith-based Organizations By Philippa Channer


Networking Tips and Best Practices

Company Listing


Visit Montgomery

Design Rush

Professional Networking Alliance

Written Interviews


Your Business, My Content Strategy - Channer Consulting

Play Video

Marketing for Small Business Owners

Play Video

Channer Consulting Spotlight Series

Meet Philippa Channer

Podcast Interviews


Creating Social Media Strategy that Works with Philippa Channer