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Our 2021 Business Resolutions

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I am sure we can all say that 2020 was a whirlwind for everyone. So many ups and downs and lessons learned. For Channer Consulting, we learned so much about how to launch a business, while also giving our children sufficient attention as they manage online learning.
As a business that was formed in the middle of a pandemic, we can only hope that our progress can only go up from here. However, we don’t want to just operate on hope, we are striving to be proactive and set some Business Resolutions for 2021. This is a practice that we highly recommend to every small business that desires to be successful this year.
If you need some motive here you can review the Channer Consulting Business Resolutions for 2021.

1. Fine-Tune our Organizational Processes “Creating order of the chaos”

As we brought on new clients throughout the year I began to realize that how I structured the files associated with each client was different. There was no consistency and information was getting harder to track down. So for 2021, we will be restructuring our client files system. We will also be actively seeking more intuitive project management systems and better ways to collaborate with clients and share files.

2. Complete our Business Plan “Fill in the missing pieces”

We really started our business pretty quickly and hit the ground running with 2 clients within the first month of getting started. We didn’t have much time to really nail down our formal business plan and structure. We have addressed a few of the key areas within the business plan, but still have a lot to go. For 2021 we will be reviewing the content we have completed, finalizing all missing areas of the business plan, and make it an official living document.

3. Complete our Marketing Plan “Establish marketing goals & strategies for the year”

Understanding that the Marketing Plan is essentially part of the overall business plan, we will be paying some close attention to what goes into our Marketing Plan for the year. As a Digital Marketing Agency, we dedicate so much time to ensuring our clients have what they need so we really need to catch up on our own business. We need to narrow down what we want to and can accomplish this year and make some smart goals for our Marketing efforts and put it to paper.

4. Expand our Network & Build Partnerships “No need to go at it alone”

Over the past few months, I have really experienced the value of networking with other local organizations. Not with the intention of making these new connection clients, but more in how can I help fellow business owners grow and thrive. This year a big focus for Channer Consulting is to grow our network and make a stronger effort to build relationships with other businesses in the area finding ways we can help each other blossom.

5. Look for More Automation Opportunities “Streamline or Workflow”

Similar to our issue with client file management, I started to realize that onboarding new clients seem to change each time we brought on a new client. My goal for this year is to streamline this process and come up with a system that works. We need to look for ways to make our workflow more streamlined and automatic. Find ways that our systems do for us to save us time and effort but still produce results?

Every business is different and at various stages of organization and structure. So some of these resolutions may not be appropriate or necessary for your business structure. But hopefully, you are at least inspired to focus on what your organization may need to focus on improving for 2021.

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