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Episode 104: Motherhood and Business Growth with Cienna Kopischke

Episode 104: Motherhood and Business Growth with Cienna Kopischke

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Today, I’m excited to share with you the grand finale of our goal-setting series. But before we dive into that, I have some exciting news to share. I’m launching a new program called “EmpowerHer Business Accelerator.” This program is designed to help women level up their businesses and improve their marketing strategies. It’s a four-month journey that includes virtual weekly meetings, a rock-solid business model, a magnetic online presence, and a killer content strategy tailored to each participant’s unique goals and challenges. For more information and to sign up, check the link in the description.

Motherhood and Business Growth: A Delicate Balance

Our main topic today is the balance between motherhood and business growth. To help us navigate this complex issue, I’ve invited Cienna Kopischke, a three-time multi-figure business coach with a background in communications and advertising. Cienna specializes in teaching women how to grow and scale their businesses using effective marketing and sales tactics while overcoming limiting beliefs.

Cienna and I had an in-depth discussion about the challenges of being a mother and running a business. She emphasized that both motherhood and business have their ups and downs, but having a strategy is crucial for success. Sienna shared her own experience as a stay-at-home mom and successful business owner, highlighting the importance of blending life and business and creating a game plan to make it work.

Time Management: A Key to Success

Cienna shared her insights on how to effectively manage time as a parent and entrepreneur. She emphasized the importance of establishing a consistent schedule for both children and work. For Cienna, organizing her son’s nap and bedtime routines has allowed her to create dedicated blocks of time for work and personal time with her husband. For those with older children, she suggests implementing a designated quiet time for them to engage in independent activities while the parent focuses on work.

The Power of Mindset and Strategy

When it comes to maximizing limited work hours, Sienna advises focusing on mindset and strategy. She emphasizes the importance of believing in one’s ability to achieve goals and maintaining a positive mindset. Sienna also stresses the need for a clear strategy to move the business forward and generate revenue. She suggests dividing workdays into “A days” and “B days” for different tasks, depending on the nature of the business.

The Business Funnel: Belief, Visibility, Marketing, and Sales

Cienna discussed the importance of belief in oneself and visibility in the business funnel. She emphasized that without self-belief, nothing else in the funnel will work. The first part of the funnel is believing in oneself and having the confidence to achieve dreams. The second part is getting visible and exposing the business to people who may not be aware of its existence. Cienna highlighted the misconception that posting on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook is enough for visibility. She suggests other strategies such as appearing as a guest on podcasts or attending networking events to reach new audiences.

Building Genuine Connections in Sales

Cienna discussed the importance of building genuine connections in sales. She recommends reading the book “Sell Out Without Selling Out” which emphasizes the human-first approach to sales. Cienna believes that sales should not be about pressuring customers into buying, but rather empowering them to make their own decisions. By selling in this way, she has built solid relationships with her clients who are committed and not defaulting on payments.

Co-Working Spaces for Parents

The conversation then shifted to the topic of co-working spaces for parents. Cienna expressed hesitation about this approach, as her son is very attached to her and requires her full attention. However, she mentioned an indoor playground near her that offers a conducive environment for working parents. She regularly goes there with her son and is able to work while he plays.

Wrapping Up

As we wrap up this week after Thanksgiving, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and is now looking forward to the holiday season. Stay tuned for a new series coming up next month. I wish you all a great week ahead!

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