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The Value of HR Assistance with Nini Obiaga

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Managing a business is no walk in the park. There are a lot of different concerns to address, issues to figure out, and people to manage. As you can imagine, once you add additional staff to the mix, the problems and issues get so much more complex. How to manage the changing environment and policies is not something I advise anyone to attempt to do on their own. This is where having a great HR consultant can help weed through all the mess and create clean and clear systems to help ensure both you and your employees are happy. Happy owner, happy staff, happy customers. 

That is why I have invited Nini Obiaga to join me for today’s podcast. Nini founded Neoterik HR Solutions. She has a background in Project Management and HR Management including 17 years of experience in Human Resources. So it goes without saying that she really understands the inner workings of people operations. I love her approach to her job which is to remove bureaucratic barriers and really focus on developing solutions for her clients that are efficient, customization, and cost-effective. In today’s special episode we talk about the following HR topics:

  • Tell me about Neoterik HR Solutions, when did you start your own company?
  • What is the difference between outsourced HR services and an internal HR team at an organization?
  • How does a business owner know when it is time to invest in some HR help? What are some of the warning signs we should look for?
  • What are some of the common mistakes organizations make that an HR team can help with?
  • Now lately, HR has had a bad reputation, some of the concerns are that many HR teams are too obsessed with policy and training instead of focusing on important things like culture, building trust, etc. what are some ways we can reverse this negative reputation?

Whew, you know a part of me is super excited about the prospect of growing my team and bringing on some staff members in the near future. But then I get nervous when I hear all the things business owners need to consider when it comes to adding new people to the mix. I am so glad people like Nini are out there to help us figure it all out. I hope for anyone struggling with Marketing issues to feel comfortable enough to call me to help them tackle their marketing challenges. 

While I can’t help you with HR challenges, If you are experiencing some marketing issues, I would love to hear about it and see what we can do together to figure it out. Everyone gets a free 1-hour consultation with me, all you need to do is schedule a time that works for you and let me know what challenge you are facing so I can help. Until next time, please be sure to Subscribe where ever you are experiencing this content, and also share with someone you know could benefit from learning about what we have to share. Have a great week! 

Connect with Nini Obiaga BSc CPHR, Principal [email protected] | Follow Neoterik on | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn

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