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Tag: Target Audience

Episode 134: Inside Your Client's Mind: The Problems They Wrestle With

Episode 134: Inside Your Client’s Mind: The Problems They Wrestle With

In this episode of the Empower Her Business Accelerator podcast, host Philippa Channer delves into the significance of understanding clients’ pain points to craft compelling marketing messages. She highlights common struggles faced by female entrepreneurs, such as niche clarity, brand messaging, and tech overwhelm. Philippa shares a personal success story of using AI tools to help a client. She advises on identifying pain points through client feedback, competitor analysis, and social media monitoring. Philippa concludes by inviting listeners to book a free discovery call to explore the Empower program for tailored business solutions.

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Episode 113: Strategies for a Powerful Business Image in 2024

Episode 113: Strategies for a Powerful Business Image in 2024

In my latest podcast episode, we ventured into the intricate world of brand identity and its pivotal role in the success of local businesses. Today, I’m excited to delve deeper into this topic and offer practical strategies to develop a brand identity that resonates with your audience and distinguishes you in the marketplace.

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Speaking Engagements


Digital Marketing For Faith-based Organizations By Philippa Channer


Networking Tips and Best Practices

Company Listing


Visit Montgomery

Design Rush

Professional Networking Alliance

Written Interviews


Your Business, My Content Strategy - Channer Consulting

Play Video

Marketing for Small Business Owners

Play Video

Channer Consulting Spotlight Series

Meet Philippa Channer

Podcast Interviews


Creating Social Media Strategy that Works with Philippa Channer