Wondering if Channer Consulting is the right place for you to get your IT & Marketing Services? Well, how about you get to know us first. We are happy to welcome you to our home. Well, at least virtually for now.
We met and began our friendship back in 1998 while attending the University of Central Florida. Our relationship developed over time, we became engaged in November of 2002 and made things official before family, friends, and God in July of 2004.

We moved to Maryland just after our wedding and have made Montgomery County our home and life since then. After a few years of getting to know each other deeper, our family went from TWO to FIVE and we couldn’t be happier with our three amazing children and now our family dog.

Over the years we have both held different jobs for various organizations. Two valuable lessons we have learned throughout this journey, First, everything happens for a reason and second, every opportunity should be lived to the fullest.
Everywhere we worked … and each leader that touched our lives … has made an impact and has helped shape us and our dreams. It is from these connections and experiences that we gained the knowledge, courage, and expertise needed to launch our own business.
In order to be better prepared and equipped to handle our client’s needs, we are continuing to seek different ways to stay informed and engaged with new trends and updates in the IT and Marketing world. Be sure to stick around and continue to watch our business grow and thrive. This is just a small introduction to the team behind Channer Consulting. Just as you have gotten to know us … we would love to get to know you.
We look forward to working with you soon.
Book a FREE Consultation with us today to see if we are the right fit for you.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chann…
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chan…