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Make Marketing your Small Business a Priority in 2022

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Small business owners know all too well that time is an important factor in running a successful business. Yet, too many times, I see that marketing initiatives slip through the cracks.

Business owners are so busy running their businesses, honoring family commitments, and the hundreds of other things they need to do daily that the effort it takes to manage their marketing gets derailed. But this doesn’t change that … If you aren’t marketing your business, you are not growing it.

Marketing is the lifeblood of any company.

We all need to remember that marketing for a small business is the lifeblood of the company. Marketing not only helps to generate leads, but it also helps brands tell their story. It is important for brands to let their customers know who they are in order to convey their values to customers.

Brands need marketing in order to be successful.

Without marketing, you’ll never grow your customer base and reach your revenue goals. It is a critical component of a successful business. And we need to understand that marketing is not just a department or a team but rather an essential part of the entire organization. It’s the only way to drive revenue and profits, and without it, there can be no growth. At this point in your business journey, not engaging in marketing would be a mistake. That’s because the marketing team is responsible for generating leads and motivating them to turn into customers.

Marketing is often thought of as a luxury, an expense that small businesses can’t afford.

Marketing is the most critical part of a business that you can’t do without growing or retaining customers. Marketing is not a luxury but a necessity for every small business. Without marketing, small business owners have no way to get their message out. The best marketing strategy for a small business is to invest in the long-term by using a variety of methods such as social media posts, advertisements, and word-of-mouth. But this leads us back to our original problem. Most small business owners don’t have time to manage their business, their families while trying to plan and execute a marketing strategy. 

What can small business owners do to make more time for marketing.

As we have shared already, marketing is the most important component in any small business. Planning, executing, and monitoring your marketing efforts can be difficult and timely when you are trying to juggle many different tasks and meet your deadlines. There are two things you can do to make more time for marketing: hire a marketing assistant or outsource it!

Hiring a marketing assistant is very helpful, especially if that is their main priority and not an add-on to other responsibilities they already have. Just adding it to someone else just sort of relocates the problem. It doesn’t solve it. But some who that is their primary focus will be able to make significant improvements.

Hiring a marketing service could be more cost-effective than hiring a new staff member and will help save time and resources for your company by giving you more time to focus on other aspects of growing the business. The key is to determine the right sort of marketing service you really need.

There are several types of marketing services to consider

When it comes to selecting the right marketing service for your business, you have a lot of options. The best option for your needs will depend on the size and shape of your company and what you want to achieve.

For instance, if you’re looking for simple, straightforward content creation, meaning you know exactly what you want to post and how often, and you just need someone to get hands-on and post it for you, then Social Media Manager may be the right solution for you.

But if you’re looking for some deeper help, someone to help you understand what you should be posting and development a strategy then you may be looking for a Marketing Consultant.

The Content Marketing Strategy products that we offer here at Channer Consulting fall more on the consultant side of things. We work with our customers to first develop a Business/Marketing plan, and then from there, we create a marketing strategy that comes packed with a content plan, schedule, and messaging for the content.

The bottom line is, if you are running a small business that relies on customers or clients to generate revenue and be successful, you can’t afford to not dedicate time and resources to your marketing. Whether it is you set aside some time, you hire a new staff member or you contract an expert. Make your marketing a priority this coming year.

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