Ahh, networking. An important business tool that many of us have a strong love/hate relationship with. You know you need it, but you just don’t like to do it. You may feel awkward and not know what to say. Or you may be too outgoing and share too much too fast. So much to think about, it’s almost like dating and no one wants to mess that up.
That is why I launched a series this month focused on the power of networking with the goal of equipping you on how to make the most of your networking experience. And of course, how you can use networking to improve your content marketing strategy.
Hey there, and welcome to the Marketing 101 for Small Business Owners channel, I am your marketing expert, Philippa Channer and I help entrepreneurs and small business owners create, implement, and measure their marketing plans & content strategies. I started this channel to help business owners like yourself take control of your marketing and get more effective results. This month I am conducting a small series on the value and importance of networking and how it affects your marketing strategy. Up next up in the series, I have interviewed Colleen Strube.
Colleen by all accounts is a certified networking diva. She is the Creator and Founder of Connect Develop Succeed, LLC, the Follow-Up Fortune Finder, a Relationship Marketing Strategist, and Master Connector. She is using the wisdom and methods she has learned over the years to help small businesses and entrepreneurs improve their networking. She also helps them to make more money by building authentic relationships and staying top of mind with their prospects and clients. Her signature program The Fall in Love with Follow-up Experience is a fun supportive way to learn how to take follow-up off the back burner, use technology to plan with ease, and start connecting to strengthen your bottom line. You will learn more about this program at the end of today’s interview.
But enough of me talking, let’s get to the interview.
I had a great time speaking with Collen. Her perspective on valuing the follow-up is certainly insightful. I can imagine many feel the most important part is getting out and meeting people. But I totally get it, neglecting the follow-up afterward makes the time spent networking completely pointless. The point here is building meaningful relationships and partnerships with the people you meet. If you need help designing a strong follow-up marketing strategy to make the time spent networking fruitful, I would love to help you. Everyone has a free 1-hour session with me on a marketing topic of their choice. Pick your time now so we can get started. In the meantime be sure to connect with Colleen and try out her Fall in Love with Follow-up Program. As she mentioned, everyone gets 2 free weeks to test it out.
Connect with Colleen Strube: https://calendly.com/colleenstrube and https://www.linkedin.com/in/colleenst…
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