A recent announcement by Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri shared that Instagram is no longer just a square photo-sharing app.
But what does that actually mean for our Instagram accounts and the ways in which we share content? Let’s digest his announcements and clarify some items that he shared in his 2:26 IGTV clip.
So if you watched his clip you learned he touched on quite a bit in that short time. He started of with the level of transparency he is going for with the Instagram team by sharing more of the internal changes and innovations before they land on our devices.
He also mentioned building more experiences primarily in four different areas, creators, video, shopping, and messaging. We will get to the video part but he touched on how they are spending more time improving the messaging experience for users and less on the feed and stories side of things. Making an easier and more enjoyable experience for people to stay connected. I am looking forward to these improvements.
Now for the main piece of information, the changes coming to video. He expressed that people want to be entertained and video is doing an amazing job of filling that void. Tiktok and YouTube have droves of people consuming their content daily and Instagram will be exploring more video enhancements to be able to keep up and also provide similar levels of video entertainment and experiences.
“But we are also going to be experimenting with how do we embrace video more broadly. Full-screen, immersive, entertaining, mobile-first video.” – Adam Mosseri
He also quickly mentioned that soon we will begin to see changes in our feed, as in we can expect to begin seeing content from people we don’t follow but are recommended to us. In addition to following certain hashtags, we will soon be able to follow topics as well.
Now that we have reflected on what he shared what do we need to do as business owners to stay ahead of the curve and be ready for when this more video-focused wave of content starts to roll out? Gone are the days where you can rely solely on stock photography and quotes. You will need to start incorporating video content into your plan. You don’t need expensive video equipment or to hire an expensive videographer for each post. Put you do need a plan. Check out my recent post titled 11 Video Content Tips to stay ahead of the social media curve.