We want to avoid potentially awkward situations. I mean who wants to voluntarily put themselves out there in front of people, risking the possibility of rejection. The truth is, no one wants to, but we all have to do it. As humans, we are naturally social people, some of us more than others. But on some level, we all need to interact with another human in order to accomplish what we need to. Networking is a great example of this. We know for our business to flourish, networking is important, so why do we avoid it and how can we overcome the awkwardness?
What is Networking & How Can It Help You with Marketing?
To put it simply, networking is the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. Networking is a key skill in the modern world. Most businesses would not be where they are today without the connections they made during networking engagements. It can help you with marketing by introducing you to new people and opportunities.
You see, networking is about building relationships for both personal and professional development. It’s about developing a network of people who can help you with your career goals or business needs.
The good thing is that there are many ways to network like joining your local chamber of commerce and attending their in-person events or joining other local networking organizations. There has also been an explosion of virtual networking organizations that have been established due to COVID19. Many networking organizations that were focused on in-person events, were forced to pivot and incorporate virtual elements into their line-up. This change has provided the opportunity for many people to meet and connect with individuals they would have never met otherwise from places all over the world. And while many will agree, that virtual networking isn’t as intimate as the in-person experience, it is still a powerful tool that can be very effective for every business owner.
How To Use Effective Networking Tactics For Your Digital Marketing Campaigns
Networking is the key to success. It can help you find your next job, your next client, or even a new friend. Networking is more than just a buzzword and it’s not just for salespeople. Everyone in the company regardless of their position can benefit from the networking experience. We can all gain something from connecting with others networking is an essential skill to master in today’s world of digital marketing where everyone is looking for connections.
When it comes to digital marketing networking can have a great impact on your success. You see, a digital marketing campaign involves the execution of a marketing strategy across all the digital channels where consumers engage with a brand, usually for the purpose of improving a company’s conversion rate. So you may ask, how is networking involved? Today, most business is conducted digitally at some point in order to complete a transaction. Even for brick and mortar businesses, digital marketing is still a large part of how they establish their brand in the community. Following up with people you meet is key and will likely be done digitally. In fact, recently I noticed that I am shocked when someone suggests a phone call instead of a virtual meeting. But I digress …
Coming up with a digital marketing strategy to follow up with those you meet networking is key. Not just for making potential sales but also for developing real relationships.
The Dos and Don’ts of a Successful Networking Strategy for Your Business Goals
Networking is the key to success in any business. It is not just about meeting new people, but also about meeting the right people. In order to build a network that works for you, here are some dos and don’ts you should be aware of.
– Do share your knowledge and expertise with others
Making business connections is great, especially if your organization is business to business. However, not everyone you meet is going to be your client. For everyone else, helping them grow should be your focus. What sort of expertise and wisdom can you share with them?
– Do keep an open mind when it comes to networking
When going into networking situations it is important to keep an open mind. The last thing you want to do is go into a networking opportunity thinking you are going to win them all and sell to everyone. You will be extremely disappointed and never feel like your networking experience is working. Go in with an open mind, and allow the opportunities there to present themselves.
– Don’t share too much information too soon
When meeting new business connections you want to make a good impression and set the right tone for your brand and how you work. You want to establish a presence that welcomes connections and opportunities for growth and partnerships. Sharing too much information too fast about your past failures or big future plans that aren’t yet a possibility. Doing this will likely turn away opportunities. Share what people need to know about you and your brand in order to get to know you in order to work with you.
– Don’t underestimate the power of a good handshake
When meeting in person, a good handshake can go a long way. “Those with a firm handshake were more extroverted and open to experience and less neurotic and shy than those with a less firm or limp handshake.” (source). For those that are in-tune with reading emotional signals, a handshake can tell a lot about a person. Virtual networking eliminates your ability to give a handshake but there are things you can do to still set the same tone. “Gesture and smile. Use hand gestures as your greeting. A simple wave works, but don’t forget to smile – not just at the beginning of the [meeting], but periodically throughout.” (source).
If you want to learn more about how you can create a marketing strategy based on your networking experience I would love to brainstorm ideas with you and get you started in the right direction. Everyone has a free 1-hour marketing consultation session with me. You can sign up for your free session today and we can tackle your networking marketing strategy together.
And if you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to our blog so you can be notified when new marketing tips become available. We appreciate the support of you sharing this content with other business owners you know. Have a great week and we will see you next week as we interview a Networking Expert on how we can make the most of our networking experience.