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Tag: Short Term Marketing

Episode 96 Unveiling the Distinct Dance or Marketing vs Advertising

Episode 96: Unveiling the Distinct Dance or Marketing vs Advertising

Hello everyone, I’m Philippa Channer, your host for the Marketing 101 for Small Business Owners podcast. Today, I’m excited to kick off a new series that will explore the fascinating world of marketing. This series is designed to help small business owners like you understand the critical differences between marketing, advertising, PR, and sales. So, make sure you hit that subscribe button to never miss an episode!

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Speaking Engagements


Digital Marketing For Faith-based Organizations By Philippa Channer


Networking Tips and Best Practices

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Visit Montgomery

Design Rush

Professional Networking Alliance

Written Interviews


Your Business, My Content Strategy - Channer Consulting

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Marketing for Small Business Owners

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Channer Consulting Spotlight Series

Meet Philippa Channer

Podcast Interviews


Creating Social Media Strategy that Works with Philippa Channer