Giving Back to the Community
There are numerous groups of people within our community that have their own unique special needs. From the homeless to the elderly, everyone has a need that must be met to ensure a thriving and growing neighborhood for all. At Channer Consulting, we take our commitment to giving back to the community in practical ways very seriously. Below are a few ways we support our community through the Nonprofit organizations listed.
Another way that Channer Consulting supports local organizations is through our services. For every four small business contracts we secure, we offer a nonprofit organization our services for free. If you own a nonprofit or want to recommend one to us for our next package, please contact us below and let us know who you recommend.

In the fall of 2022, Channer Consulting officially adopted a road in the Sandy Springs, MD area. The Montgomery County’s Adopt A Road (AAR) program encourages residents (individuals, families, organizations, and businesses) to participate in community activity by keeping county roadsides litter free. We will be conducting regular road clean-ups to keep the Sandy Springs community clean and welcoming.

Rockville Women's Center
Rockville Women’s Center – a safe, confidential, nonjudgemental place to work through your specific concerns regarding your unintended pregnancy.

Olney Home for Life
All-volunteer organization designed to assist senior residents in the Olney, Maryland area by providing transportation services, friendly visits & calls.

Hope's Journey
Putting Christ’s love into action by restoring hope and providing practical, comprehensive support to people who are currently or at risk of homelessness.

SEEC is dedicated to the full inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of our rich community life.

The Co-Op Project
We focus on underserved communities focus on their needs. Then we create manage and execute projects that will positively impact that community.

Extra Life
Extra Life unites thousands of gamers around the world to play games in support of their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital.