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Episode 122: How to Use the Latest Social Media Trends to Grow Your Business

Episode 122: How to Use the Latest Social Media Trends to Grow Your Business

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Navigating Social Media Trends: A Small Business Owner’s Guide

Hey everyone! Philippa Channer here, host of the “Marketing 101 for Small Business Owners” podcast. Marketing can be a real whirlwind, can’t it? That’s why I love helping fellow business owners untangle it – especially when it comes to the crazy world of social media! In my latest podcast episode, I dug into social media trends and how to actually use them to help your business grow. Here’s a taste of what we covered:

Trendspotting Made Easy

Social media changes FAST. It feels like there’s a hot new thing every week! Don’t get overwhelmed trying to jump on everything. Instead, figure out which trends actually make sense for your business and your customers. I love checking out reports from sites like Hootsuite and HubSpot for ideas on where to focus my attention.

The Video Advantage (It’s Easier Than You Think)

Video is still HUGE, and guess what? You don’t have to be Steven Spielberg to make it work for you. Short, authentic videos that offer tips, show off happy customers, or even just give a peek behind-the-scenes can be incredibly powerful. Don’t be afraid to just use your phone!

Plus, you can really stretch your video content. Take a longer video, break it down into smaller pieces, and bam! You’ve got tons of shareable content.

Join the Conversation

Think of social media like a big party. You want to mingle, not just shout from the corner about your business, right? Join groups, comment on other posts, and really engage with people. It’s the best way to make meaningful connections!

Time to Branch Out?

Is your go-to social platform feeling a bit stale? It might be time to add something new to the mix. But remember, any new platform is an investment. Make sure your ideal customers are hanging out there and that you have the bandwidth to manage it.

The Magic Formula

Here’s the thing about social media: consistency, offering real value, and being yourself are what truly work long-term. It’s about real connection, not just getting clicks.

Let’s Chat!

Seriously, I love talking about this stuff. If you’re struggling with your social media or just want a second opinion, let’s set up a quick, free consult call. I’m here to help!

And hey, if you get a chance to listen to the full podcast episode on measuring social media results, I’d love to hear what you think. It’s all about turning those likes and shares into actual dollars for your business!

Thanks for being part of this awesome small business community. Let’s rock this together!

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Marketing 101 for Small Business Owners

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